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2018 Fall Field Tour
September 24 – 26, Thompson Rivers Forests near Kamloops
Post-Fire Landscapes – Past and Current Practices Considered
Is there a “New Climate Normal”?
And How do Silviculture Practitioners and Range Managers Address the Effects of Present and Future Large Wildfires on Forest and Range Values?
Across much of BC, wildfires in 2017 and 2018 have resulted in record-setting impacts on communities, and the forest and rangelands that surround and support them.
Many of our social, economic and ecological objectives and expectations for resources and values such as timber, livestock forage, identified wildlife, biodiversity, recreation, tourism, and watershed services are threatened, damaged or destroyed by extensive wildfire.
Following wildfire, silviculturists and range managers from diverse backgrounds are tasked with establishing productive forests and rangelands, however clarity on what treatments to implement and the efficacy of treatments is often poor or lacking.
In addition, the question remains whether past approaches and treatments are relevant if there is a “new climate normal”.
“Luckily”, there have been previous wildfire seasons when extensive areas burned and many locations where silviculture and range professionals worked hard to re-establish timber and forage values.
The 2018 Summer SISCO will visit wildfire areas from 1998 and 2003 to illustrate and discuss the consequences of treatments applied 15-20 years ago.
SISCO speakers that were involved with reforestation and range prescriptions following the 1998 and 2003 fires will present information on the context and rationale for the treatments applied, the perceived efficacy of the treatments and their views on what can and should be improved at the stand or landscape level to make post-wildfire management more efficient or reliable.
If you have concerns about the management of post-wildfire areas for any values, or are tasked with operational issues in managing wildfire areas, come join the 2018 Summer SISCO tour and join in a dialogue of how present and future silviculture and range professionals can improve the management of wildfire events.
Agenda Topics
We will look at the silviculture treatments that have been undertaken, and natural processes that have occurred, in landscapes created by recent-past and long-past wildfires.
We’ll consider how fire has affected these natural processes, discuss the efficacy of past treatments, and explore treatment options available today to achieve future stand objectives.
We’ll also discuss the role of silviculture in the bigger picture of wildfire management.
Monday Sept 24: registration and social get-together in the White Spot Lounge at the Holiday Inn North Kamloops (accommodation and marshaling venue)
Tuesday Sept 25: Greenstone Mountain Fire, Banquet on the way home at Privato Winery
Wednesday Sept 26: Elephant Hill Fire
Come join your colleagues to exchange ideas and knowledge about silviculture practices in post-fire ecosystems.
Thank you for your continuing support of SISCO!
The SISCO Executive