October 1 – 3
Pemberton BC

Integrating Forest Management with Fire Risk Mitigation and Indigenous Values

This year’s fall field tour looks at silviculture practices designed to reduce the risk to communities of wildfire, and to protect other values including indigenous cultural uses and traditions. We will visit sites managed by the Líl’wat Nation near Mount Currie to see these silviculture practices implemented. We will also look at the results of 2015 silviculture prescriptions, on the ground today, to help inform how we design our current siliculture prescriptions.

Click here to see the 2024 Fall Field Tour Program 2024 Fall Field Tour Program

To Register Please visit our 2024 Fall Field Tour Event Website.

The Pemberton Valley Lodge has reserved all their rooms for us until SEPTEMBER 1st. Every suite has a kitchenette so you can prepare your own breakfast each morning. All suites can accommodate 2 to 3 people, each in their own separate sleeping space, so you can share a suite and split the cost. All suites include laundry facilities (some in the suite). Please go here to see the suite options: Pemberton Valley Lodge Suite Options

Our banquet will be a Fescues Restaurant at Big Sky Golf Course just 3 kms from the Pemberton Lodge.

Come join your colleagues to continue the conversation about silviculture and forest management.

Thank you for your continuing support of the Southern Interior Silviculture Committee.
The SISCO Executive