Christine Unghi

Lead, MOF Forest Investment and Reporting Branch

Christine is a Registered Professional Forester who is the Ministry of Forests Integrated Investment Lead, and Forest Investment and Reporting Branch Climate Action Plan co-lead.  Her forestry career started with  Research Branch laying out Silviculture trials but then she moved to Quesnel and had the opportunity to work in  Compliance and Enforcement,  Small Business, Permitting, Inventory, Silviculture, Forest Planning before switching to roles with the Office of the Chief Forester.   As the Integrated Investment Lead, Christine works to integrate funding on the land base for staff, the public and the programs that manage Investment, such as Forest Investment, Crown Land Wildfire Risk Reduction, Cultural and Prescribed Fire, Ecological Wildfire Recovery, Together For Wildlife and Caribou Recovery Programs.  Christine works closely with eight integrated investment specialists who provide leadership and support for regions, districts and communities on investment coordination and opportunities.    More information and contact details for Integrated Investment can be found here: