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Roy V. Rea
Ph.D; RPBio; Assoc. Professor Ecosystem Science & Mgmt. Dept, Faculty of Environment, UNBC
Roy obtained a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences from California State University, Stanislaus in 1992 and a Master of Science, Biology from the University of Northern British Columbia in 1999. In 2014, Roy completed a Doctor Philosophiae in Ecology from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Ås, Norway. Roy is an Assistant Professor in the Ecosystem Science and Management Department at the University of Northern BC where he has worked since 2000. He teaches Introductory Biology, Animal Physiology, Marine Ecology, Field Applications in Resource Management, and labs in Plant Systematics. Roy is also an instructor for Case-based Learning in the Northern Medical Program. He has worked with the Prince George Airport Authority on several projects aimed at reducing potential conflicts between aircraft and wildlife since 2007 and has also worked for 20 years with the provincial Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure on projects aimed at mitigating wildlife-vehicle collisions on highways in northern British Columbia. Some of Roy’s current research focuses on gaining a better understanding of the seasonal habitat requirements of moose in northern BC and how industrial forestry impacts how moose interact with their habitats.
You can learn more about Roy and his teaching and research at:
You can follow me on Instagram at Wildlife of Northern BC @roy_v_rea