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2016 SISCO Winter Workshop
Forestry Opportunities For Positive Results on the Landscape
February 23-24, 2016
The Coast Hotel, Kamloops
Agenda and Speaker Presentations – please do not copy or use in any way the speakers’ material posted on this site.
Day One: Tuesday February 23, 2016
Welcome & Opening Remarks
John Karakatsoulis, Senior Lecturer, Natural Resources Sciences, TRU
2016 SISCO Chair
PANEL ONE: Foresters as a Positive Force for Change on the Landscape
The role of the professional forester has changed dramatically over the last half century. Along with the skills required to manage forest stands, a forester in the 21st century must be adept in understanding land-use issues, First Nations concerns, ecosystem management, wildlife management, riparian areas management and the economic impacts of forest management within a variety of different communities throughout BC. This session will highlight some of the important work our foresters are engaged in that are a positive force for change on the landscape.
Moderator: John Karakatsoulis
Planning Activities on the UBC Research Forest
Stephanie Ewen MSc, RPF, Assistant Manager, UBC Alex Fraser Research Forest
Kalamalka Research Program- Focusing on the Future Forest
Ward Strong, Forest Pest Researcher, Kalamalka Research Centre, FLNRO
Opportunities for Directing Change on the Landscape Doug Lewis
Doug Lewis, FLNRO
Paths to Walking Together with First Nations Scott Scholefield
Scott Scholefield First Nations Area Supervisor, Tolko
PANEL TWO: Smarter Forest Fibre Resources Utilization
Large cull piles seen in most cut blocks are a common by-product of most harvesting operations that remove high quality sawlogs. With current and future technologies and a decreasing supply of forest fiber, the material in these cull piles likely represents a resource that can generate revenue and employment, be used for pulp or biofuel (hog fuel, pellets, etc.) and may support small- to mid-scale secondary manufacturing. Such an approach would help increase the utilization of forest resources while addressing concerns about carbon pollution and health issues associated with the smoke generated when this waste material is burned. In this session and a companion discussion session this afternoon, you will hear perspectives on the growing demand for material currently being disposed of by open burning, the important role this material plays in forest ecosystems, and case studies on the potential use of this material.
Moderator: Walt Klenner
Introductory Comments
Rick Sommer, District Manager, Thompson Rivers District
A European Perspective on Bioenergy and Biofuel Markets
Dominik Roser, Research Manager, Forest Biomass & Wildfire Operations FPInnovations
Biofuel Opportunities in Western North America Bill Bourgeois
Bill Bourgeois, President, New Direction Resource Management
A Case Study of the Forest Fibre Currently Not Being Utilized in Conventional Sawlog Harvest Operations Walt Klenner
Walt Klenner, Wildlife Habitat Ecologist, FLNRO, Thompson-Okanagan Region
Wildlife Impacts of Forest Fibre Removal and Options for Mitigation
Tom Sullivan, Professor, Forest and Conservation Sciences, UBC
Forest Sciences Research and Operational Issues of the Day
Discussion Sessions 1 – 11
Discussion Session 1: Selective Breeding and Its Effects on the Climatic Adaptation of Lodgepole Pine and Interior Spruce Seedlots: Implications For Future Reforestation
Ian MacLachlan, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences, UBC
Discussion Session 2: Applied Landscape Level Planning: Three Case Studies
UBC Graduate Students in Master of Sustainable Forest Management Program (all FITs)
Instructor Deborah Delong
West Boundary Community Forest (for Dan MacMaster RPF)
Patrick Ferguson
Private Land Management Near Salmo (for Rainer Muenter RPF)
Emma Driedger, Mike Harrhy, Julius Huhs, Tom Kasperkiewicz, Alysha Van Delft
Nakusp Community Forest (for Hugh Watt RPF)
Jess Duncan, Ben Kwiatkowski, Jade Laramie, Jill MacDonald, Lauren Shinnimin
Discussion Session 3: Utilizing Forest Fibre Resources – Emerging Opportunities Beyond the Sawlog Market
Small Trees – New Markets – New Silviculture (?)
Jim Thrower, Kamloops
Secondary Manufacturing Opportunities in Waste Piles
Ed Hermitage, Hermitage Forest Products
Discussion Session 4: Direct Seeding
Bill Chapman, Soil Scientist, MFLNRO
Jerome Girard, Area Supervisor – Silviculture, Tolko Industries
Discussion Session 5: What Works and What Doesn’t in the Planting Season: Planting Time, Fertilizing, Thawing, Planting Techniques, Plug Sizes, Species Problems, Brush Problems, Pests/Rodents Etc.!
Darius Bucher, Regeneration Specialist, Integral Forest Management
Dennis Farquharson RPF, Silviculturist, GRO TRZ Consulting
Discussion Session 6: The New BEC Guidelines and Guidebooks for the South Central Columbia Mountains and Thompson Okanagan Region
Deb MacKillop, Regional Ecologist, FLNRO
Mike Ryan, Regional Ecologist, FLNRO
Banquet Speaker: Nicole Schabus, Law Professor, Thompson Rivers University Nicole Schabus
Day Two: Wednesday February 24, 2016
Forest Sciences Research and Operational Issues of the Day continued
Discussion Session 7: Drone Technology – Applications in Forestry
Brian Quinn RPF, Senior Manager Business Information, BC Timber Sales Branch, FLNRO
Discussion Session 8: The Wildfire Trifecta: Forests, Fuels, and Climate – an Illustrated Poster Session
Dr. Lori Daniels and Graduate Students, Tree Ring Lab at UBC
Forest and Conservation Sciences Department, Faculty of Forestry, UBC-Vancouver
Three Centuries of Fire History at Vaseux Lake
Alexandra Pogue, MSc Student
Altered Fire Regime Reduces Montane Forest Diversity
Raphaël Chavardès, PhD Candidate
How to Degrade Dry Forests:High-Grade Then Suppress All Fires for a Century
Gregory Greene, PhD Candidate
Fuelling the Debate: Managing Mule Deer Winter Range
Marc-Antoine Leclerc, MSc Student
Wildfire in a Warming World
Lori Daniels, Associate Professor
Discussion Session 9: Comparing Harvest Methods for Partial Cutting Rainer Muenter
Ken Day, Manager, UBC Alex Fraser Research Forest
Rainer Muenter, Private Land Forest Manager, Monticola Forest
Discussion Session 10: Resistance to Forest Pests and Pathogens in BC: An Update on Resistance Screening and Breeding Strategies
Nicholas Ukrainetz MSc, RPF, Research Scientist, Tree Breeder
Trevor Doerksen, Research Scientist, Tree Breeder
Kalamalka Forestry Centre, Tree Improvement Branch FLNRO
Discussion Session 11: From Incidence to Impact: Measuring and Modelling the Effects of Stem Rusts in Lodgepole Pine
Richard Reich RPF, MSc, Instructor, Researcher, College of New Caledonia
Jim Goudie, FLNRO Inventory Branch
PANEL THREE: The Role of Social License in Better Forest Management
Social License might be generally defined as the acceptance by a community of a corporation or some corporate activity. The terms acceptance and community are open to interpretation. Acceptance can include formal processes like the granting of regulatory approvals, but may also involve purchasing products, offering informal word-of-mouth promotion or extending unspecified good will. Similarly, the term community is not necessarily constrained by either size or proximity. The forest industry in British Columbia, which operates primarily on public land, has always depended on some form of social license. In this panel, we have speakers who will offer their perspectives on the relationship between social license and the promotion of better management of BCs forests.
Moderator: Ian Cameron
Building Useful Forest Stewardship Plans
Del Williams RPF, Manager, Audits and Investigations, Forest Practices Board
The South Chilcotin Stewardship Plan –
A Collaborative Resource Management Initiative
Mike Simpson, RPF, Senior Regional Manager, Fraser Basin Council
A Woodlot /Private Land Owner Perspective on Social License in Close Proximity to Rural Communities Rainer Muenter
Private Land Forest Manager, Monticola Forest
Moderator: Cathy Koot
Landscape Level Reforestation Standards Gary Quanstrom
Gary Quanstrom RPF, Silviculture Supervisor, West Fraser
Wildland Urban Interface: New Regulations to Implement Fuel Mgmt in Operational Forest Practices – The Cariboo Pilot Project
Kelly Osbourne, Fire Management Planning Forester, BC Wildfire Service
Closing Remarks and Adjourn
Cathy Koot, Research Coordinator, UBC Alex Fraser Research Forest, Williams Lake
Incoming SISCO Chair