Monday January 30 to Wednesday February 1

The Coast Hotel, Kamloops

Speaker presentations are available by clicking on underlined name

How We Can Apply Today’s Most Up-To-Date Knowledge to Improve Forest Stewardship

The 2017 winter workshop agenda explores current research and innovative practices that enable our profession to improve forest stewardship.   Panel sessions looked at the different components of forest stewardship, and the means by which foresters can improve practice by implementing practical research applications and innovative operations.  Discussion Sessions covered a range of topics on forest science research and current silviculture practice and forestry operations.

Registration Evening: Monday, January 30, 2017,

The Coast Hotel Kamloops, Romeo’s Lounge

6:30 pm Registration, Cash Bar with Hosted Snacks, and Social Time

Day One: Tuesday January 31, 2017

8:15 am Welcome & Opening Remarks

Cathy Koot, Research Coordinator, UBC Alex Fraser Research Forest, 2017 SISCO Chair

Plenary Session – Setting the Stage for Panels 1 and 2

The Value of Growth and Yield Models to the Operational Forester

Lorne Bedford, Manager Harvest and Silviculture Practices, Resource Practices Branch, FLNRO

Panel 1: Current Issues in Growth and Yield

Moderator: Ian Cameron

Growth & Yield information applied to both stand-level and forest-level analyses in BC. At the stand level, there are G&Y components to decisions about planting density and that application of other silvicultural treatments such as juvenile spacing, commercial thinning and fertilization. G&Y projections and G&Y metrics can be used to formulate management standards such as stocking standards. At the forest level, G&Y predictions are the foundation of the stand-level components applied in TSR and silviculture strategies, and G&Y metrics are used to define key benchmarks such as minimum harvest age.  In this session, the panelists will focus on G&Y issues currently topical in stand-level and forest-level analyses, such as:

  • The linkage between establishment density and the yield and value at harvest.
  • Metrics for minimum harvest age in TSR.
  • Stand-level and forest-level effects of some silviculture decisions.
  • Data that underlie the growth projections used in TSR.
  • How changes in young-stand performance affect yield at harvest.


Ian Cameron, Growth & Yield Analyst, Azura Formetrics Ltd

Catherine Bealle Statland RPF, A/Team Lead,Stand Development Modelling, FLNRO

Eleanor McWilliams, Analyst, Associated Strategic Consulting Experts

10:20  SISCO AGM

Cathy Koot, 2017 SISCO Chair

Panel 2: Stand Establishment, and Timber Supply

Moderator: Dennis Farquharson

Panelist 1: Rainfall Partitioning by Tree Canopies: Throughfall, Stemflow and Canopy Interception Loss

Darryl Carlyle-Moses, Associate Professor/Chair, Dept of Geography & Environmental Studies,TRU

Panelist 2: Soil Moisture in the Dry IDF: Mature Forest, Partial Cuts, and Openings

Brian Wallace, Range Soil Ecologist, Thompson – Okanagan, FLNRO

[presentation not available, but you can contact brian.wallace@gov.bc.ca]

Panelist 3: Young Stand Monitoring

Rene deJong RPF, Forest Growth Data Analyst, Forest Analysis & Inventory, FLNRO

Panelist 4: The Link Between Stand Level and Forest (Landscape) Level which Occurs in Timber Supply Analysis

Jeff Stone, RPF, RPBio, Timber Supply / Geomatics Forester, FAIB, FLNRO

Plenary Session – Food  for Thought … on the Way to Lunch

Measures to Manage Invasive Species in Canada –Legislation, Regulations and Tools

Sue Staniforth, Education and Outreach Manager, Invasive Species Council of BC1

12:30  Lunch

Discussion Sessions 1-4

Session 1:  Example, Practical Applications of Lidar and UAV Acquired Photo-Based Point Clouds in BC Forest Industry

Cam Brown, Strategic Planning Forester / Team Leader, Forsite Consultants

Tristan Goodbody, Integrated Remote Sensing Studio, Faculty of Forestry, UBC

Session 2: How to Get the Best Managed Stand Growth and Yield Predictions Ever! Panel 1 further explorations

Ian Cameron, Growth & Yield Analyst, Azura Formetrics Ltd

Eleanor McWilliams, Analyst, Associated Strategic Consulting Experts

Jeff Stone, Timber Supply / Geomatics Forester, FLNRO

Jim Goudie, Growth and Yield Expert (retired)

Discussion Session 3: Genetics, Breeding and Deployment of Western Larch in BC

Barry Jaquish, Research Scientist, Kalamalka Forestry Centre, FLNRO

Discussion Session 4:  Invasive Species and Forest Management – Best Practices and  Tools for Preventing the Spread

Sue Staniforth, Education and Outreach Manager, Invasive Species Council of BC2

3:45  Adjourn for the day
5:30 Cash Bar Opens, ABCFP All Members Meeting
6:30 Banquet
7:30 Banquet Presentation: Fire Management in Nepal Communities

John Karakatsoulis, Senior Lecturer & Dept Chair, Natural Resources Sciences, Thompson Rivers University

Day Two: Wednesday February 1, 2017

 8:15 Announcements

Cathy Koot, 2017 SISCO Chair

Plenary Session – Setting the Stage for Panels Three and Four

Managing for Multiple Values in Complex Changing Landscapes

Doug Lewis, Research Section, Thompson – Okanagan, FLNRO-1

Panel 3: Riparian Tree Retention Practices During Forest Harvesting for Max Benefits

Moderator: Doug Lewis

Retaining trees during forest harvesting is a practice that forest professionals can use to manage for multiple resource values in the short term and through stand re-establishment and development. The question of how much and where to focus tree retention to maximize benefits and mitigate potential impacts to resource values is often less well understood. In this panel, speakers will discuss how tree retention can be applied to manage stream channel stability to help ensure water values (water quality, aquatic ecosystems, fish habitat) are maintained. Operational recommendations on where to focus available tree retention budgets during harvest will be discussed.

Panelist 1: The Functional Role of the Riparian Zone on Stream Channels–Implications for Aquatic Ecosystems

Rich McCleary, Regional Aquatic Ecologist, Thompson – Okanagan, FLNRO

Panelist 2: Small Stream Riparian Zones: Management Opportunities  

John Rex, PhD,P.Ag, Research Hydrologist, Omineca Region, FLNRO

Panelist 3: Exploring Geomorphic Differences Between/Riparian Requirements of Fish Bearing/Non-Bearing Channels

Michael Milne, Consulting Hydrologist, M.J. Milne and Associates

Panelist 4: Effects of Riparian Retention on Alluvial Fan Channels

Tim Giles P.Geo, Geomorphologist, Research Section, Okanagan Region, FLNRO

10:10 Coffee on the run … participants take their refreshments to the discussion sessions.

Discussion Sessions 5 – 9

Discussion Session 5: Partial Cutting to Address Mid-Term Timber Supply

Jean-Martin Lussier – Silviculture and Forest Productivity

Cosmin Filipescu – Forest Ecophysiologist

Mike Cruickshank, Forest Pathologist

Research Scientists, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Wood Fibre Centre


Discussion Session 6: Mitigation of Forestry Impacts to Natural Range Barriers – Findings and Recommendations From a Recent Special Investigation;   and   New FRPA Guidance on Natural Range Barriers

Doug Wahl, Manager, Audits and Investigations, Forest Practices Board

Clayton Bradley, Range Practices Specialist, Range Branch, FLNRO

Discussion Session 7: Developing Best Management Practices for Whitebark Pine

Don Pigott, Forest Consultant, Yellow Point Propagation

Randy Moody, Senior Ecologist, Keefer Environmental Services

Don Piggot and Randy Moody

This survey (link below) is a way to contribute to the information database on Whitebark Pine

Discussion Session 8: A Discussion Based on Practitioner Input About the Need for Changes in Regeneration and Stand Tending Practices and Regulations that Promote Resilient, Valuable Forests

Stephen Mitchell, UBC Faculty of Forestry

Discussion Session 9: Incorporating Watershed and Fish Values in the Timber Supply Review

Doug Lewis, Research Section, Thompson – Okanagan, FLNRO

Eric Valdal, Thompson – Okanagan Research Section, FLNRO

Doug Lewis and Eric Valdal

12:20            Lunch

Panel 4: Important Non-Timber Values

Moderator: Walt Klenner

Silviculture plays a large role in shaping stand development following disturbance and although the main emphasis of silviculture in BC has been and remains focussed on managing stands for timber production, current and future non-timber issues will require developing or implementing silvicultural practices that address non-timber values.  Globally, many jurisdictions manage forested lands primarily for non-timber objectives such as water, visual/recreation, wildland-urban fuel management, etc., with commercial timber production only a by-product of these activities. Our panel speakers will identify current and evolving non-timber issues that they face, and challenge you to integrate managing for these values into existing or novel silvicultural practices to achieve multiple objectives at the landscape level.

Panelist 1: An Operational Forester’s Approach to Managing Multiple Forest Values

Wes Bieber, Longfellows Inc

Panelist 2: Managing  for Water

Rita Winkler, Research Hydrologist, Thompson – Okanagan, FLNRO

Panelist 3: Managing  for Livestock Forage on Cut Blocks

Harold Hetherington, P.Ag., Okanagan – Shuswap, FLNRO [presentation not available]

Panelist 4: Managing for Pine Marten

Doug Lewis, Research Section, Thompson – Okanagan, FLNRO-3

Plenary Sessions –Food for Thought on the Drive Home

The Ever-Changing Health of Our Forests: Old Pests and New Challenges

Lorraine Maclauchlan, Entomologist, Thompson-Okanagan, FLNRO

New Initiatives in FLNRO: The Forest Enhancement Program

Dan Peterson, Director, Forest Enhancement Program, FLNRO

3:30  Closing Remarks

Rainer Muenter, Monticola Forest

Incoming SISCO Chair