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2021 Winter Workshop

2021 SISCO Winter Workshop – April 6, 2021 (online at

SISCO Winter Workshop 2021 – Panels
Plenary Panel 1: Forest Planning for Trees and Forests
From setting legal objectives for forest values through Land Use Planning, to providing operational forest management direction at landscape scales, planning is critical to successful forest management. In this panel we will review the state of forest planning in BC and other jurisdictions, and discuss options and perspectives for forest landscape planning in British Columbia.
Plenary Panel 2: The Economics of Forestry – Marketing Trees Versus Forests
Making decisions for natural resource management in British Columbia involves balancing environmental, social, economic, and Indigenous values. This panel will focus on the economic element of forest management including timber value, markets, competing land uses, climate change, policy development, and future societal needs. The panelists will discuss the role economics plays in forest management in British Columbia in consideration of these diverse values.
Plenary Panel 3: Resilience in Our Forest Landscapes
Maintaining “resilience” in forest landscapes s is often identified as a goal for forest management, but the term “resilience” can mean many things and is often not clearly defined. In this panel we will explore various ways that resilience in our forests has been defined, how it can be measured, and how forest management can help create resilience in our forests to maintain multiple forest values.
Plenary Panel 4: Silviculture Perspectives
Silviculture has been known as the art and science of growing and tending stands of trees. It has been practiced in our province since the early 1900’s, but is there more to silviculture than growing and tending trees? This panel will challenge participants to re-think silviculture as we’ve come to know it and provide the latest silviculture updates from as nearby as BC’s southern interior to as far away as Australia and southeast Asia.