2014 SISCO Winter Workshop

Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, February 24 – 26, 2014

Deliberating Key Forest Management Issues, Old Saws and New Buzzes

Presenter Power Point Presentations:

Panel 1: Type 4 Silviculture Strategic Analysis Update

Paul Rehsler, Silviculture Reporting & Strategic Planning Officer, MFLNRO   Paul_Rehsler

Cam Brown, Strategic Planning Forester, Forsite Consulting   Cam_Brown

Jeff McWilliams RPF, Senior Associate, BA Blackwell & Associates   Jeff_McWilliams

Guy Burdikin RPF, Silviculture Superintendent,West Fraser/WLTSA Silv Subcommittee

Panel 2: Watershed Management: Considerations in Managing Effects of Forest Operations on Watershed Hydrology

Rita Winkler, Hydrologist, Thompson Okanagan Region, MFLNRO

Kim Green, Hydrologist/Fluvial Geomorphologist, Apex Geoscience Consulting

Doug Wahl, Manager Audits and Investigations, Forest Practices Board  

Michael Milne MES, ABCFP Limited License, Hydrologist, M.J. Milne and Associates   Mike_Milne

Panel 3: After 10 Years of the Forest and Range Practices Act, What Have We Learned?

A. Robin Hoffos RPBio, Ecosystems Habitat, Cariboo Region MFLNRO   Robin_SHoffos

Peter Rennie, Landscape Forester, Thompson-Okanagan Region, MFLNRO   Peter_Rennie

Rick Sommer, District Manager, Thompson Rivers District, MFLNRO   Rick_Sommer

Panel 4: Does BC Have Oversight of Forest Management?

Tim Ryan, Chair, Forest Practices Board  

Peter Nagati, Director, Office of the Auditor General of BC

Ian Miller RPF, Manager, Sustainable Forest Management, Resource Practices Branch, MFLNRO   Ian_Miller

Mark Haddock, Senior Instructor, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria   Mark_Haddock

Panel 5: Beyond the Beetle: Government’s Mid-Term Timber Supply Action Plan – How Should We Manage BC’s Forests for Value and Sustainability?

Dave Peterson RPF, Chief Forester and Assistant Deputy Minister, MFLNRO   Dave_Peterson

Bill Bourgeois PhD, RPF, New Direction Resource Management   Bill_Bourgeois

Discussion Session 1: Cumulative Effects – Getting Government’s House in Order

Doug Lewis, Forester, Thompson Okanagan Region, MFLNRO

Discussion Session 2:  Seedling Issues:

Reforestation of Chilcotin and Cariboo Extreme Dry Burned Sites Using Hydration Fertilizer Teabags, Alternative Species, and Site Preparation

Clare Kooistra RPF, Consultant Regeneration Forester, Conifera Consulting

Direct Seeding and Other Innovative Approaches for Reforesting Severe Wildfire

Bill Chapman PhD, Research Soil Scientist, Cariboo Region, MFLNRO

Discussion Session 3: A New Way to Look at Aspen Competition When Assessing Free Growing in the Cariboo

Powerpoint Presentation Parts 1-6:

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Teresa Newsome, Research Silviculturist, Cariboo Region, MFLNRO

Jean Heineman MSc RPF, Forestry Research Consultant, J. Heineman Forestry Consulting

Dave Weaver, Silviculture Performance Assessment Specialist Resource Practices Branch MFLNRO

Discussion Session 4: New Climate Change Projections and Species Adaptation Strategies

Tongli Wang, Associate Director, Centre for Forest Conservation Genetics, Forest Sciences, UBC

Caren Dymond, Forest Carbon and Climate Change Researcher, MFLNRO

Discussion Session 5: Above and Beyond the Mountain Pine Beetle: Pest Impacts in Non-Pine Forests

Lorraine Maclauchlan, Forest Entomologist, Thompson Okanagan Region, MFLNRO

David Rusch, Forest Pathologist, Cariboo Region, MFLNRO   David_Rusch

Discussion Session 6: Today and Tomorrow: Carbon Finance in BC Forestry  

Joseph Pallant BSc, MBA Business Development Associate, Pacific Carbon Trust   Joseph Pallant

Discussion Session 7: Using Landscape Fire Management Planning and Stand Treatments to Achieve Desired Forest Structure for Habitat and Fuel Management

Mike Black RPF, Fire Management Specialist, Wildfire Management Branch, MFLNRO

2013 SISCO Winter Workshop Agenda

This year’s winter workshop panel sessions explored perennial forest management issues and practices that, while always evolving, remain critical challenges today.

Five of these issues were examined using a “panel of experts” format to identify key information and perspectives on the issues, to describe the current state of affairs, and to propose to what extent these issues have been resolved or what progress is being made to address them.  After the experts’ presentations there were many questions from the floor, and in-depth discussion between the panelists and colleagues attending the conference.

The workshop discussion sessions covered a range of practical silviculture and forest management topics, providing an opportunity for small-group, interactive conversation, exchange, and debate on the topics.

The renowned Thompson Rivers University Culinary Arts Program served outstanding lunches on Tuesday and Wednesday, and the banquet on Tuesday, and Bob Simpson, former MLA Cariboo North, provided provocative food for thought as our after dinner speaker on Tuesday night.

Thank you to all those that came and participated in two days of consideration and conversation about key forestry issues of the day.

Location of Workshop on Campus

Campus map and hotel map